
We are pleased to introduce our upcoming conference on attachment disorders, which promises to be an intense and enlightening event. Aiming to create a platform for in-depth discussions, sharing experiences and finding innovative approaches to understanding and overcoming these disorders, we look forward to everyone’s participation.

Attachment disorders are serious psychological problems that have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life and relationships with others. They can occur at different periods of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. By addressing this topic, we aim not only to increase understanding of these disorders, but also to find effective ways to support and treat them.

At our conference, you will have the opportunity to learn about the latest research in the field of attachment disorders. You will be welcomed to hear presentations from outstanding experts, panel discussions, master classes and round tables, where there will be active discussion of current problems and the search for constructive solutions.

We have assembled a team of experts ready to share their experience and knowledge in the field of psychology, psychotherapy, social work and many other disciplines. The conference will hear a variety of perspectives, explore different approaches to diagnosing and treating attachment disorders.

Our conference invites anyone who is interested in psychology, relationships, and concerned about their psychological well-being. It is an open forum for practitioners, researchers, students and anyone seeking to expand their knowledge and skills in the field of mental health.