
Seminar “Understanding and working with attachment disorder”

This workshop on attachment disorder explores attachment theory as a necessary developmental framework for understanding the behavior of children who have experienced adverse childhood experiences. Complex trauma means that very often they have developed an attachment disorder and a range of maladaptive coping strategies that need to be undone so that they can relearn appropriate social integration skills.

Attachment is the primary foundation of the therapeutic alliance that a caregiver must build with a child or young person. This relationship is crucial because it is used by the child as a template for further relationship experiences. Lack of attachment disorder education can disempower the caregiver and block the recovery process.

Children and adults suffering from attachment difficulties can create many problems due to their inability to form trusting relationships. Through our attachment disorder training course, practitioners will have the opportunity to learn different techniques for working with children/adults who have experienced early trauma in their lives.

Content of the workshop

Our workshop is just one of many mental health training courses. The program covers topics such as:

  • Develop an understanding of how unresolved attachment issues in childhood can make an adult vulnerable to difficulties in forming secure adult relationships
  • Symptoms of attachment disorder in adults
  • How to break the cycle of intergenerational attachment problems
  • Two types of insecure attachment (avoidant and anxious/ambivalent)
  • Explore participants’ understanding of attachment and loss theory